Friday, March 24, 2006

Harbingers of Spring

So despite the fact that most people in NYC are still running around in hats and scarves, the first signs of spring are here. The fruit stands and ice cream trucks are back out on the streets. Though I must confess to a Grinch-like hatred of the tinkly little song the ice cream trucks play continuously on repeat (if they park outside your window you will go insane), I was happy to return home and see the optimistic retailers, who are undoubtedly right that warm weather can't be far away.


At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Em, I read in the New York Post that ice cream trucks can't remain parked around parts of Manhattan because of the noise nuisance. Or else you can scream out to the ice cream guy to wait-up until you get your money, then don't return. Do it enough times and they'll dread your pleas and hopefully move on.
J. Cee

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you can give the offending ice cream trucks a copy of the Claremont Trio Mendelssohn CD and ask that they play that instead of their tinkly bells. Perhaps they even would let you put a Claremont Trio billboard on their trucks in exchange for the free CD.



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