Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ryan Does It Again

For some reason, Ryan, driver extraordinaire, always manages to find the yummiest drinks on the road! Here he is with an avocado freeze with tapioca at a Vietnamese/Thai restaurant in Springfield, IL.


At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Ryan gain weight if he drinks all these fattening sounding exotic drinks and eats all these snacks??? Is it because he works out by dragging all your heavy suitcases and instruments in and out of concert halls and motels???


At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should bring a big blender on tour so you can make all kinds of exotic non-alcohol drinks. And please make sure that you don't forget to secure the cover on top of the blender if you're still in wardrobe, or else it'll project a spewing mess everywhere, thus causing a sudden consternation followed by laughter:-)


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